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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Visit the Church of São Vicente (Braga)

The Church of São Vicente, located in the parish of São Vicente, was rebuilt in the mid-sixteenth century from a primitive temple.
Its bell tower, located behind the main chapel (the typical architecture of the Baroque Bracarense), was the tallest building in the city, and therefore suffered electric lightning strikes. Twice the tower had to be rebuilt, the last time in 1812.
It's a baroque church. The façade has Mannerist elements. Above the frontage it has the image of the patron saint, S. Vicente, nestled in a niche.
To crown the façade is a papal cross that recalls the privileges and indulgences that Pope Clement VIII granted to this church around the year 1598 in the time of Archbishop Augustine de Jesus.
Inside, the choir, attributed to Carlos Amarante, the organ, built by the master organist Francisco António Solha in 1769, is the highlight of the tile panels, dated 1873, produced by the Devesas Ceramic Factory.
This Church is classified as Property of Public Interest.

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