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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Visit the Silk Museum - Castelo Branco

The Silk Museum, located in the Parish of Castelo Branco, under the Portuguese Association of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Deficient Citizen (APPACDM) in Castelo Branco, was created to make known to the general public the History of Silk production in Portugal. Silkworm's life cycle, the conventional and state-of-the-art applications that can be made from the use of this poorly known and yet invaluable product.
The Museum is made up of five rooms. In room one, information about the silk is given, starting from the general until arriving at the particular one. The visit begins with the presentation of the Silk Route, the sericulture in our territory, even before the formation of nationality, sericulture in Beira Interior and finally, with a chronological analysis, the sericícola activity in APPACDM.
Room two - Audiovisual Room - is the space for the projection of a small film about the production of silk, with the collaboration of different partners. The remaining rooms are called: Bicho ao Fio; From Wire to Fabric and from Fabric to Final Product. In these spaces can be understood the process of producing the silk, to know some instruments used in the traditional method to obtain the silk and to appreciate some objects of silk.
In the Technical Room, younger visitors can carry out activities with the purpose of consolidating the knowledge and information presented during the visit, in an experience accompanied and supervised by specialized personnel.

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