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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Visit the Museum of Textiles - Cebolais de Cima

The Museum of Textiles, located in the Parish of Cebolais de Cima, is an equipment that aims to transmit to visitors knowledge about industrial and technical heritage of the textile sector.
The Museum of Textiles is constituted by a museum space where mechanisms have been preserved that contemplate the production phases related to carding and spinning. It also includes an experimental space, which houses an audiovisual room and mechanisms related to the weaving process. Between these two floors, we find a third intermediate space, called "memory space", which has the objective of presenting taxes to the workers and entrepreneurs responsible for the creation of this industry.
It also includes a manual weaving workshop and a business archive.
The Museum of Textiles offers visitors knowledge about the process of producing textiles. Here it is possible to understand the respective mechanisms in operation, from the carding process to weaving, the evolution of these techniques over time, as well as their territorial and historical framework. It brings together the necessary features to offer visitors an active, motivating and unique experience.

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